Art ...
can not change the world, but it can contribute to changing the consciousness.
Herbert Marcuse
1958 born in Hamburg, Germany
1978–'79 assistant /theater photographer in Berlin
1979–'81 studies photography at Lette-Verein, Berlin
1981–'82 studies at ICP in New York
1983 - 2007 freelance photographer for major Swedish press
1995 - 2023 published 13 books in Sweden
2024 "slow photography", la moulinette, Paris
2024 "Vaterland", Kunstkammer, Gartow
2023 "Ciao Bella", goute d'or +la moulinette, Paris
2023 "Vaterland", HKV, Hanau
2022 "glitch", La Moulinette, Paris
2022 "Auf der Suche nach der...", Menschwerk, Aschaffenburg
2021 "À la recherche de la mémoire perdue", ITiphoto, Bordeaux
2019 "Jedermann", La Moulinette, Paris
2019 "glitch", 16 Muller, Paris
2018 "Auf der Suche nach der ...", La Moulinette, Paris
2017 "devine destiny", La Moulinette, Paris
2017 "Vaterland", Galerie Stammelbachspeicher, Hildesheim
2016 "Vaterland", ISBA, Besançon
2016 "Vaterland", Alte Synagoge, Rodgau
2016 "alles wird gut", Stammelbachspeicher, Hildesheim
2016 "divine destiny", (groupshow) Cercle Suedois, Paris
2015 "Vaterland", La Moulinette, Paris
2014 “divine destiny” Antenne Blangy, Blangy le Chateau
2011 “Notre petit secret...” Fait & Cause”, Paris
2010 “jedermann”, Red Bull Space, Antwerp
2010 “alles wird gut.” ZKM, Karlsruhe
2009 “alles wird gut.” Sammlung Falckenberg, Phoenix Art Center, Hamburg
2008 “alles wird gut.” (groupshow) Rönnquist, Malmö
2006 “jump! Yang Jiechang jumps higher”, (groupshow),Tang Art, Bejin
2006 “C’est toi mon ange” + FROID” Le 6 Mandel, Paris
2006 “sweet-sour” (groupshow, International Inkpainting Biannual), Shenzhen
2005 “C’est toi, mon ange”, Térapie, Paris
2002 “undress yourself”, (groupshow) la Terrasse, Paris
2000 “den vackraste dagen”, Studio87, Stockholm

Katrin hiding behind "Jedermann"